Residential Interior Painting in Cumberland, York, & Dauphin County

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Residential Interior Painting

At A+ Dale Jr.'s Painting we are well equipped to handle all of your interior painting needs. For years, we have been providing reliable and affordable interior painting services in Cumberland, York, & Dauphin County and surrounding communities.  We work on all interior spaces and surfaces and also provide staining and finishing services for cabinets, desks, handrails and more.  When you need a paint job completed in your home, you can count on us to implement an ideal solution to fit your budget and meet your requirements.  Contact us today for an estimate.


  • How often should I paint the interior of my house?

    Experts recommend repainting your home’s interior every 5-10 years.

  • Should I do the painting on my own or hire a professional?

    While small touch ups may be manageable in some instances, and it is tempting to save money, oftentimes undertaking the project on your own is a mistake.  Professional painters undertake painstaking preparation efforts to protect surrounding areas and furnishings, plan the project, and apply professional techniques using top notch equipment.

  • What paint colors should I choose?

    This is the biggest decision you’ll make: the color. We’ll show you different options and guide your creativity.  You can also sample different colors to determine the best fit.

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